IT Contracting

Michael Murray portrait

About Me

Hello, my name is Michael Murray; a multidiscipline IT contractor located in the southwest of England.

With 20+ years in the industry, for both public and private sector, I have first hand experience in delivering digital transformation with a digital first mindset.

Contact me if you are looking for a project manager or senior engineer who has implemented:

  • Monolith to Microservice architecture
  • Digital first development
  • Multi-disciplinary teams within an agile environment

I am currently searching for great companies to work with.

Available for work: October 2021 - feel free to contact me now.



Product - Team - Performance

If you were to ask what I'm good at, it's getting things donedelivering value, and building great teams. I am a strong proponent of user centred design and minimum viable product.

Recently I have worked within the public sector transitioning teams to agile working practices while delivering time pressured greenfield products within environments historically architected for monolithic critical infrastructure.

Making working practice changes e.g. from waterfall to agile, or, transitioning from stable release schedule to continuous delivery, bring significant risks. Product delivery, user experience, data quality and security are just a few areas that are under threat. To minimise and mitigate these risks requires a strategic approach and strong leadership which I can provide.

If you wish to build effective multi-disciplinary teams that can deliver excellent solutions in a time-frame acceptable to the business - I can help. I can deliver teams the right tools (mental and technical) to break down silos, communicate effectively with every stakeholder and drive the delivery to meet the company and product vision. This area of my work I find particularly important, and one in which I have significant experience.

Coming from a strong development background(), I have proven skills throughout the software development lifecycle; these include analysis, design, architecture, full stack development (including testing), implementation and support; I have working knowledge of delivering to on-premise hardware, and with cloud providers.



Picking the appropriate architecture is essential: I have leveraged existing monolithic platforms, built new Microservices alongside (hybrid cloud), built cloud only, and utilised PAAS.

Technology varies accordingly and is not limited to:

Your technology not listed? I may have already encountered it; why not get in touch to discuss it with me.

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